Sharyland Pioneer High School
2017 Summer Program
Classroom Credit Recovery (w/previous instruction):
- Algebra 1 - Part A (Summer I) and Part B (Summer II)
- Geometry - Part A (Summer I) and Part B (Summer II)
- English I & II - Part A (Summer I ) and Part B ( Summer II)
Computer-Based, Self-Paced PLATO Credit Recovery
(w/ previous instruction):
- English III
- Math (Math Models, Algebra II and Pre-Calculus)
- Science (IPC, Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Forensics)
- Social Studies (World Geography, World History, U. S. History, Government and Economics)
- Foreign Language (Spanish I and II)
- Electives (Various Principle of .....classes)
- Other (Health, Art and PE)
Acceleration Course(s):
(Acceleration course fee is $150.00 (cash or money order) per half credit. Students must pre-pay to reserve a spot. Only 30 seats available
(15 PHS /15 SHS). Must have a minimum of 20 students prepaid for the course to be offered. Deadline to sign-up is June 4th in the counseling office.
EOC TUTORIALS: English I, English II, Algebra I, Biology and U. S History (see your testing coordinator for details)
Summer Session I:
June 05 - June 09 8:30-2:30 Monday-Friday
June 12 - June 16 8:30-2:30 Monday-Friday
June 19 - June 20 8:30-2:30 Monday-Tuesday
Summer Session II:
June 21 - June 23 8:30-2:30 Wednesday-Friday
June 26 - June 30 8:30-2:30 Monday-Friday
July 3 - July 7 8:30-2:30 Monday-Friday
July 4th (no school)
Early Registration:
May 15th - May 17th in the cafeteria during both lunches
Late Registration:
SS I June 5 8:30 - 12:30
SS II June 21 8:30 - 12:30