Summer Assignments: Pre-AP/Dual/AP
Pre-AP/AP/Dual Enrollment
Required Pre- Course Reading and/or Assignments
Read and complete the appropriate form below for each Pre-AP and/or AP course you are scheduled to take during the next school year. Please submit completed forms to your assigned teacher during the first day of classes.
Pre-AP / AP Course
The following links will take you to the required pre-course reading and/or assignments for the next school year. Whether your course begins in August or in January, you must have the reading and/or assignments completed by the appointed dates. If your course ends up being scheduled for the spring term, we encourage students to re-review their reading and/or assignments during the winter break.
English Language Art
English I Pre-AP, English II Pre-AP, English III Pre-AP, English III AP, English III DE, English IV Pre-AP, English IV AP, English IV DE
Foreign Language
Spanish Language AP, Spanish Literature AP, French III Pre-AP, French IV AP
Algebra I Pre-AP, Geometry Pre-AP, Algebra II Pre-AP, Pre-Calculus Pre-AP, Pre-Calculus/College Algebra DE, Statistics AP/DE
Biology Pre-AP, Biology I DE, Biology II AP/DE, Chemistry Pre-AP, Physics Pre-AP, Physics AP, Anatomy/Physiology Pre-AP,
Scientific Research & Design Pre-AP, Forensic Science Pre-AP, Microbiology Pre-AP, Environmental Science Pre-AP,
Environmental Science AP
Social Studies
W. History AP, US History Pre-AP, US History AP, US History DE, Government Pre-AP, Government AP, Government DE,
Economics Pre-AP, Economics AP, Economics DE