Useful Links

District Update:  District Suggested Websites

Imagine Math Video:  Click here to be connected

iStation Video:  Click here to be connected

Google Classroom Video:  Click here to be connected

MackinVia Video:  Click here to be connected

ACT and SAT Prep Link:  Click here to be connected

Homework Help Sites

Awesome Library - over 26,000 carefully reviewed sources organized for students, teachers and parents - Working with data is all about reading the story that exists within the figures. As long as you have an open mind and a calculator or computer, you can recognize trends and understand what they are trying to tell you. - search dictionaries, a thesaurus, or the web; site includes daily puzzles, a translator, and other language resources

Fact Monster from Information Please - reference site for student ages 8-14 that provides educational resources: reference center includes an encyclopedia, a dictionary, an atlas, and several almanacs

Great Sites for Kids by American Library Association - high-quality resources selected by librarians

Homework Spot  - resources are organized into categories for elementary, middle and high school

Info Please Homework Center - categories include Subjects, Skills and Reference Sources

ipl2: Information you can trust - the merged collections of resources from the Internet Public Library (IPL) and the Librarians' Internet Index (LII) websites. Includes the following categories: Resources by Subject, NewsPapers & Magazines, Special Collections created by ipl2, For Kids, and For Teens.

iTools  - quick access to the best Internet searching tools

Kathy Shrock's Guide to Everything - hundreds of links for teachers and students

Merriam Webster Word Center - includes a dictionary and thesaurus, daily buzzwords and games 

National Geographic Education - includes Homework Help for families, students and kids and teaching resources for teachers and informal educators

New York Times Learning Network - Student Connections Grades 6-12  - selective guide to the Internet for students

Nobel Prize Internet Archive  - maintains information on all Nobel Prize winners in all categories - indexes quality Internet sites according to grade levels; includes HomeworkHelp, Ask an Expert, and several other sections

Literature/Language Arts

Aesop's Fables Online Collection - includes over 660 fables indexed in table format

American Folkfore - collection of American folklore including myths and legends, tall tales, ghost stories, and famous characters - great books online

Between the Lions - companion site to the PBS series featuring children's literature

Grammar Rock - from Schoolhouse Rock, provides catchy tunes and lyrics for grammar practice

Guide to Grammar and Style  and Resources for Writers and Writing Instructors  - by Jack Lynch - grammatical rules, comments on style, and suggestions for usage

Getting an "A" on a Research Paper - advice for students on what English Professors look for when they grade papers

Guide to Grammar and Writing - comprehensive guide includes definitions, examples, quizzes, and an Ask Grammar section

The Poets' Corner - searchable comprehensive poetry collection

Purdue's Online Writing Lab - contains handouts, workshops, and links to other writing sites

English Grammar - free video lessons, exercises and much more.

Mathematics  - interactive math simulations; requires free site membership

STEM Identity Resources for Women and Girls  - find many math tables and links to mathematics sites

Harcourt Multimedia Math Glossary - animated math glossary for grades K-5

Martindale's Calculators Online - over 18,500 calculators, from science and math to arts and crafts

Math Archives - Topics in Mathematics - links to Math resources on the web organized by topic

The Math Forum Student Center  - ask Dr. Math a question or find resources on all topics relating to math

Mathworld  - comprehensive and interactive math resource

Mrs. Glosser's Math Goodies  - features interactive math puzzles, activities, and worksheets

Multiplication Rock - from SchoolHouse Rock, learn the multiplication tables

Math Quizzes - provides math quizzes for teachers and students. You can create a quiz and select the range of numbers you'd like to use. Students can grade the quiz online and generate new problems for more practice.


Extreme Science  - find world records, homework help, and fun science facts

Invention Dimension - makes learning about invention fun and wacky

Science Education Gateway - gateway to the wonders of astronomy and space

Science Buddies - science fair project ideas and project guides - links to Internet sites with information about science fair projects

Science Rock  - from SchoolHouse Rock, learn scientific concepts with catchy lyrics and tunes

The Why Files  - explores science behind the news

Chemistry For Kids - chemistry guide for kids

Science360 Knowledge Network - immerses visitors in the latest wonders of science, engineering, technology and math. The latest science videos provided by scientists, colleges and universities, science and engineering centers, the National Science Foundation and more. 

Reusing Plastic Bottles:  Crafts and Projects - 
Upcycling or repurposing items to use them in new ways has many benefits. Not only are you minimizing the amount of waste that you produce, but you can often save money when you use what you already have for new purposes.  (Thank you, Claire for sharing this link)

Social Studies

America Rock  - from SchoolHouse Rock, learn about history and government. Includes top 100 sites for teachers.

Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids  - resources that teach how our government works and other learning tools for students

Library of Congress:  America's Story - interactive site for students; American History from the Library of Congress

Online Exhibits - Texas State Library and Archives Commission  - online exhibits on important topics in Texas history

Smithsonian Institution - History and Culture  -  take a virtual tour of Smithsonian museums and exhibits; includes activities and resources

Smithsonian's History Explorer  - a listing of useful Web sites related to American History

US Census Fact Finder  - source for U.S. population, housing, economic, and geographic data

The White House for Kids  - history of the White House, tours, and information about the first family

Fine Arts


Artcyclopedia - find artists, information on art movements, art articles, and links to other art sites

Artsconnected - The Artists Toolkit: Visual Elements and Principles  - interactive site that explores the tools that artists use to create works of art; includes an art encyclopedia

National Gallery of Art  - visit one of the finest art collections in the world. Includes the National Gallery of Arts for Kids 

Smithsonian Institution: Art and Design  - take a virtual tour of Smithsonian museums and exhibits; includes activities and resources


Music Education at Data Dragon  -learn to read music, learn about music instruments and music genre, and ask questions about music

Ricci Adams'  - comprehensive music theory site; includes lessons, trainers, utilities, and downloads