UNIT 1: "Values"
We will recognize and analyze a text to evaluate speaker’s motivation by focusing on organizational patterns and rhetorical devices employed, composes a compare and contrast essay evaluating the differences in creation myths/fiction, and review parts of speech leading to focus on subject- verb agreement, pronouns, and verb tenses in order to enhance writer's craft.
UNIT 2: "Environment"
We will analyze elements of drama to evaluate character, setting, plot, theme, and the historical, social, and economic impact of the work, compose an expository essay, review and apply sentence structure with focus on phrases and sentence variety.
UNIT 3: "Past, Present, Future"
We will analyze and understand poetry from the Romantic period while being able to analyze text for rhetorical techniques, develop an analytical essay focusing on Romantic writers and their techniques, be able to distinguish what a proper sentence clause
contains in order not to become fragmented and be able to unify strong sentences using transitions to create parallel structure.
UNIT 4: "Journey"
We will appreciate the literature of multiple genres, included in fiction and non-fiction such as frame tales, memoir, short stories, essays and letters, compose a persuasive essay/speech, develop effective grammar and style skills, including the correct use of irregular verbs, modifiers, and verbal phrases in their writing.
UNIT 5: "Identity"
We will identify characteristics of Modernism, Regionalism, and Harlem Renaissance, use narrative-writing skills in preparing a college, application essay, review effective grammar and style skills, including the ability to use subordination and coordination correctly and to identify and correctly punctuate appositives.
UNIT 6: "Choices"
We will study and analyze fiction, poetry, and essays of the Contemporary literary period and its impact, changes, and achievements in society, compose a persuasive editorial column that critically comments on a social controversy, apply the use of active/passive voice, use of colons/semicolons, and quotations to enhance writing.