Spanish 1E and 2E Profesora Señora Garcia
Learning a language takes time and practice.
The only way to become a Spanish speaker is to speak Spanish, and also to listen, read and write Spanish. During this year, we will learn Spanish by using Spanish. We learn en español.
How much Spanish will I be able to use?
First Semester→ Novice Mid
- I can recognize some familiar words and phrases when I read and listen
- I can ask and answer questions on very familiar topics using memorized/practiced words and phrases
- I can write lists and present information about myself and familiar topics using words, phrases, and memorized expressions
Second Semester → Novice Mid / Novice High
- I can understand familiar words, phrases, and sentences that I hear and read about daily life. I can understand some details and sometimes the main idea
- I can ask and answer simple questions using phrases, simple sentences, and memorized language on familiar topics
- I can present basic information in speaking and writing about familiar topics related to daily life using phrases, simple sentences, and language I have practiced
What will we talk about?
Who am I? Who are you?
What’s fun?
What’s school like?
What’s good to eat?
What can we do for fun?
What do we do in class?
Everyday, we will start with a warm-up activity. We will practice speaking everyday in partners, and we will also do written activities. We will often watch videos or listen to Spanish speakers talking about their lives. We play different kinds of games every week or two as well.
What will we be graded on?
60% Tests and Projects
Tests are unit tests or Presentations, Conversation
NOTE: Tests are usually every two to 3 weeks.
40% Participation/Classwork
Includes work in class and contributions to learning activities
Includes Quizzes on vocabulary and grammar.
NOTE: Quizzes are usually once a week.
Includes daily practice
NOTE: Late HW is not accepted without an excuse
What do we need for class?
A notebook for just this class
Folder to keep handouts and packets
Autentico 1 or 2 Textbook
Español para hispano hablantes
Tutoring will be provided as needed. Feel free to let me know if you need to come for tutoring so we set it up.
During your time taking this amazing subject, you will experience the spanish language and learn about the different spanish speaking countries, and will learn about their food, culture, etc.
You will also be able to practice your listening, speaking, writing, reading and presentation skills in the Spanish language.
A big part of our class will be learning how to accentuate words in Spanish through the use of the different rules of accentuation.
Be prepared to engage and have fun while learning how to properly speak this amazing language!!
Materiales para la clase
1. una carpeta
2. hojas de papel
3. pluma y lápiz
4. marcadores o lápices de colores
Categorías y porcentajes
Asignaturas mayores 60% (exámenes, proyectos, presentaciones, ensayos y reportes)
Asignaturas menores 40% (trabajo diario, tarea, pruebas y participación en clase)
Trae tu propio aparato electrónico (BYOD)
1. Celulares y dispositivos de internet portátil, (iPod touch, iPad, tabletas, etc.), serán usadas únicamente cuando yo lo autorice. Esta autorización siempre será con un propósito educativo.
2. Si el estudiante se queda sin batería y el aparato electrónico se va a usar durante clase; el estudiante podrá cargarlo en el salón y trabajar con un compañero asignado por mí.
3. El estudiante deberá ponerle nombre a todas las partes de su cargador.
4. Los aparatos electrónicos deberán estar siempre sobre el mesabanco.
5. El estudiante deberá de usar siempre la conexión inalámbrica y acceso a Internet proporcionado por la escuela
6. El estudiante que no esté trabajando en lo asignado por la maestra será sancionado de la siguiente manera:
· Primera vez.- detención
· Segunda vez.- detención y llamada a los padres o tutores
· Tercera vez.- se le confiscará y será entregado a la oficina
Recuerden todo uso de la red está sujeta a monitoreo
iCuiden sus pertenencias! Si un dispositivo o accesorio es perdido, robado o dañado durante clase; ni el distrito escolar ni yo seremos responsables.