Sharyland ISD Grading Guidelines
Purpose for Grading Guidelines
Sharyland ISD recognizes that implementing district-wide grading guidelines brings consistency in the assessment of the educational development, performance, and achievement of all students attending our schools. Pursuant to Board Policy EIA (Local), these grading guidelines outline (1) the number of grades teachers must take to support the grade average assigned, (2) the criteria for students to redo an assignment or retake a test, and (3) the opportunity students are provided to redo an assignment or retake a test.
Grading Guidelines
Teachers will record a minimum of 2 grades per week in the district electronic gradebook.
Elementary Only- Content areas for which 2 grades per week will be recorded are the following: Reading, Language Arts*, Math, Science, and Social Studies. All other content areas will record a minimum of 1 grade per week.
Teachers will use the following in marking assignments completed by students:
Pre-K | K-12 |
E (90-100) S (80-89) NI (70-79) U (60-Below) | Numerical Grades |
To establish consistency in terminology, all subjects and all grades will use the grading categories of Major Assignments and Minor Assignments. These categories may include but are not limited to the following assignments:
Major Assignments | Tests Reports Research Papers Projects/Presentations Essays |
Minor Assignments | Daily Classwork/Practices Homework Quizzes Accelerated Reader Lab Work Binder Checks |
The following weights will be used in determining a final grade average:
Major Assignments | 60% | Minimum Number: 3 |
Minor Assignments | 40% | Minimum Number: 9 |
DEIC Approved 09/02/13
EIA (Guidelines for Grading)
Composition | Major Assignments | 60% | Minimum Number: 3 |
Grammar | Minor Assignments (A teacher may opt to assess Grammar and/or Spelling within a Composition and count it as a minor assignment.) | 40% | Minimum Number: 9 |
Spelling |
Students with an excused absence from school (including off-campus suspension) will have the opportunity to make up missed work at the rate of one day for one day missed, with a maximum of five days. Students who are absent but had prior notice of a major or minor assignment must complete the assignment on the first day back to school. Student will receive a zero for any major or minor assignment not made up within the allotted time.
Students with an unexcused absence may not make up missed work; however, if the unexcused absence is determined to be caused by an extenuating circumstance, makeup work may be allowed. The grade for the makeup work will be no higher than a 70.
All students will be given up to 3 additional school days to redo a failing major assignment, but the grade will be no higher than a 70. The teacher has the option of assigning an alternative major assignment. The teacher will indicate in the gradebook that the assignment was redone.
All students will be given 3 additional days to make up a major assignment if late (with a progressive grade penalty of 10 points per day).
If 50% or more of students in a class fail a major assignment, the entire class will receive reteaching of the content using a different instructional strategy from the original presentation. All students will be given an alternative major assignment. Students will receive the higher of the two grades earned. The teacher will indicate in the gradebook that the assignment was retaught.
A progress report will be sent home at the end of the three-week period for all students and must include a minimum of 1 major assignment. A progress report may be sent home anytime in addition to the three-week period. Parents are strongly encouraged to schedule parent conferences with teachers to discuss their child’s progress.
The cumulative average for a nine week grading period in high school and for the three reporting periods in junior high will count as 80% of the final semester grade. Semester exams will be comprehensive and count as 20% of the semester grade. Should the semester exam cause a student to fail the semester, the student has the option of retesting. The student must retest within 3 days, and the retest will be the sole responsibility of the student. The campus administrator may extend the retesting timeframe in extenuating circumstances. The retest grade will be no higher than a 70.
Generally, report cards will be sent home on Wednesday after the close of a grading period (for high school, after a 9 week period).