Carrizales, Cristobal

Hello My Name Is...

Mr. Cristobal A. Carrizales
Pioneer High School/ South Texas College
Dual US History/ CP Economics/Government
Room 149
Phone: (956) 271-1600 ext. 4107

Click Here To See My Welcome Video

1st Pd: Conference
2nd Pd: Dual US History
3rd Pd: Dual US History
4th Pd: CP Government/ Economics
5th Pd: Government/Economics
Mr. Carrizales graduated from Edinburg High School in Edinburg, Texas and went on to study at The University of Texas-Pan American in Edinburg,Texas. He graduated in 2007 with a Bachelors of Arts -Social Studies Composite and  Masters of Arts - History in 2016 from UTRGV. Previously, he taught four years at Hidalgo Early College High School with Hidalgo ISD and one year at Sharyland Advanced Academic Academy with Sharyland ISD.
This year, Mr. Carrizales will teach Dual US History, Economics and Government at Pioneer High School.  He is excited about this opportunity and is looking forward to working with students, parents, and staff at Sharyland I.S.D.  GO Diamondbacks!!!