Puga, Jocelyn

Pioneer athletics
Picture of teacher with brunette hair and brown eyes

My name is Jocelyn Puga (Ms. Puga or Coach Puga) and I am a Special Education Inclusion Teacher at PHS. This will be my 9th year as an educator - with most of my experience being in the self-contained unit. Starting at the bottom, I began as a substitute teacher, got hired as a paraprofessional, and then worked my way up to becoming a certified teacher. I am a proud mom to three beautiful children - Ryan, Andy, and Aaron. I enjoy reading, writing, and spending time with my family and friends. I am a major Taylor Swift fan, love coffee, and all things the color orange!
This is my first year as the Head Girls Water
Polo Coach and an Assistant Swim Coach. Water polo is an intense, fast-paced aquatic sport that combines elements of swimming, basketball, and soccer, demanding both physical endurance and strategic teamwork. In the Rio Grande Valley, the sport has seen remarkable growth, attracting more athletes and fans each year. Come out and support your Diamondbacks at their next game!

Coach near pool with water polo players

I was born and raised in Brownsville, Texas. During high school, I was in the marching band, a drum major, JV softball player, and a student in the Business Magnet Program. After high school, I attended the University of Texas Pan-American (now UTRGV) and pursued a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. I eventually moved to Austin, Texas and decided to finish my degree through Liberty University's online program, graduating in December 2017.
Once my children were old enough to attend school, I wanted them to experience the feel of a small town, as I did growing up, so we moved back to the Rio Grande Valley. In December 2023, I graduated with a Masters in Education in Counseling & Development from Lamar University and hope to brainstorm dissertation ideas for my future Doctoral degree.
Liberty flamesLamar university cardinals logo
I am a big believer of investing in yourself (especially when it comes to higher education) and chasing the dreams that scare us a little bit. I look forward to meeting you/your child and growing alongside you/your child this school year!
Dream big quote