Palacios, Jennifer

Jennifer Kaltenbach

Teacher Name: J. Palacios
Title: Science teacher
Phone: 956 271-1600
Room: 218 Bldg: B
Conference time:  2nd block

Welcome students! I'm excited to be part of such a great team of teachers at Pioneer High School. I have a passion for teaching and science and I hope that my students can enjoy science as much as I do.  I graduated from the UTPA, in 2008, with a degree in Biology and a minor in chemistry.  From 2008-2014, I worked for WISD, at Weslaco High School.  In 2014, I joined SISD, and have been working at PHS since the school opened up. 

Please feel free to stop by at anytime if you need anything. Go Diamondbacks!
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