
Business Management Syllabus

Course Description:

Business Management is designed to familiarize students with the concepts related to business management as well as the functions of management, including planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. Topics covered include defining an entrepreneur, recognizing an opportunity, starting, and operating a business, how to market a business, managing sales, and basic fiscal management. 

Course Outcomes:
The objectives of this offering are to:

  • To Pass your NOCTI – General Management Certification Exam
  • To acquire a basic understanding of how to manage a business.
  • Understanding of business terms and principles
  • Acquire soft skills needed in the business field


Course Description:

In Entrepreneurship I, students will gain the knowledge and skills needed to become an entrepreneur. Students will learn the key concepts necessary to begin and operate a business. The primary focus of the course is to help students identify the types of business structures, understand the components of a business plan, determine feasibility of an idea using research, and develop and present a business concept. In addition, students will understand the basics of management, accounting, finance, marketing, risk, and product development.

Course Outcomes:

The objectives of this offering are to:

  • To Pass your Entrepreneurship and Small Business Certification Exam
  • To acquire the basic understanding on how to manage a business.
  • Understanding of business terms and principles
  • Acquire soft skills needed in the business field

Business Law Syllabus

Course Description:

Business Law is designed for students to analyze various aspects of the legal environment, including ethics, the judicial system, contracts, individual property, sales, negotiable instruments, agency and employment, business organization, risk management, and real property.

Course Outcomes:

  • The objectives of this offering are:
  • The student demonstrates professional standards/employability skills required by business and industry.
  • The student defines ethics in business.
  • The student identifies the diverse types of law, courts, and regulations in the judicial system.
  • The student identifies the principles of contracts in business.
  • The student identifies the concept of sales in the context of business law.

Marketing Syllabus

Course Outcomes:

Marketing explores the seven core functions of marketing which include: marketing planning – why target market and industry affect businesses; marketing-information management – why market research is important; pricing – how prices maximize profit and affect the perceived value; product/service management – why products live and die; promotion – how to inform customers about products; channel management – how products reach the final user; and selling – how to convince a customer that a product is the best choice. 

Course Outcomes:

  • Students will demonstrate knowledge in hands-on projects which may include conducting research, creating a promotional plan, pitching a sales presentation, and introducing an idea for a new product/service.
  • Successfully Pass the IBC Customer Service Exam
  • Acquire soft skills needed in the Business Marketing Field.