U.S. History Syllabus 2024-2025
Pioneer High School Teacher: E. Culberson Room 145
Course Description:
United States History is a term-long course covering American History from 1877 to the present. The course will also prepare students for the U.S. History EOC test at the end of the term.
Units of Study:
- Gilded Age
- The Progressive Era
- America Becomes a World Power
- The Roaring 20’s
- The Great Depression and New Deal
- World War II
- The Post War Era
- The 60’s: A Decade of Protest and Change
- The 70’s: The “Me” Decade
- Contemporary America
Course Supplies: Please make sure you bring the following items daily.
- Chrome book fully charged
- Pen or pencil
- paper
Classroom procedures:
Check Google Classroom daily for assignments and notes. Students will be instructed as to the due date for all assignments.
Contact information:
The best way to contact me is during my conference which is 1st block. You may send me an email or send a Remind message.
Classroom Rules/ Behavior:
- Arrive on time to class and be on your assigned seat prior to the bell.
- Be prepared to begin instruction with supplies and assignments ready.
- Respect others, their property, school property and all school materials. At the end of each block, clean up around your area.
- Remain in your desk until the end of class. Wait for teacher to dismiss you.
- Raise your hand or wait politely to speak if others are speaking.
Course Grading Policy:
Daily assignments 40%, tests and projects 60%= course total 100%
Grade Scale:
A= 100-90 B=89-80 C=79-70 F= 69 or below
Progress reports are sent every three weeks by PHS and report cards are every nine weeks.
Attendance and make-up work:
Daily class attendance is vital to ensure class success. However, if absences occur, it is important to note that four unexcused/unrelated absences could jeopardize a student’s credit for the course and may require Saturday school. Additionally, the following district guidelines apply for make-up work when a student is absent.
Excused absences: Students with excused absences from school are expected to make up work missed at a rate of one day for one day missed with a maximum of five days. Students who are absent but had prior notice of upcoming assignments or tests must complete the assignments or test on the first day back to school. Students shall receive a zero for any missed assignments or test not made up within the allotted time.
Unexcused absences: A student may not make up work missed; however, if the administrator determines that the unexcused absence is due to extenuating circumstances, make-up work may be allowed. The grade for makeup work after an unexcused absence shall be no high than a 70.