Forensic Science Syllabus
Course Description:
Forensic Science is a laboratory-based course in which students will apply their prior knowledge of biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics to the popular field of crime scene investigation. Students will use a structured and scientific approach to the investigation of crime of assault, abuse and neglect, domestic violence, accidental death, homicide, and the psychology of criminal behavior. Students will learn terminology and investigate procedures related to crime scene, questioning, interviewing, criminal behavior characteristics, truth detection, and scientific procedures used to solve crimes. Using scientific methods, students will collect and analyze evidence through case studies and simulated crime scenes such as fingerprint analysis, ballistics, and blood splatter analysis. Students will learn the history, legal aspects, and career options for forensic science.
Student Expectations:
- Be PREPARED for class EVERYDAY (bring appropriate materials and assignments to class)Be at
- your desk when the bell rings.
- Respect everyone and their property.
- FOLLOW instructions the FIRST time they are given.
- You are expected to gather any materials needed for the day as you enter the classroom. You will
- be assigned seating and are expected to sit there at ALL times, unless otherwise instructed.
- No electronic devices allowed unless the BYOD sign is displayed. (Electronics used when the
- BYOD is not displayed will be confiscated and turned in to the front office. Parents will pick up the
- electronic device for $15)
***Devices will be collected at the beginning of class everyday and those that do submit phones will
- earn points that count toward a test grade.
7. No food or drinks in the lab area.
Grading Policy:
Major—60%—Minimum of 3: Exams, Lab Reports, Projects, Presentations
Minor—40%—Minimum of 9: Daily work, Quizzes, Homework, Lab work, Binder checks
Excused Absences:
You will have the opportunity to make up missed work at the rate of one day for one day missed. If you had prior notice of the assignment, the assignment is due on the day you return to school.
Unexcused absences:
Students may not make up missed work.
ALL students will be given up to 3 additional school days to REDO a failing major assignment, with a progressive grade penalty of 10 points per day. I have the option of assigning an alternative major assignment.
1. Homework: Homework is intended to help you master the concepts covered in class through reinforcement. ALL homework assignments will be graded and will help you come prepared for the following day or will reinforce concepts covered in class. It is absolutely necessary that you COMPLETE all homework assignments.
2. Tests: Any student not making a passing grade will be allowed a retest with the highest possible grade of a 70. If you are absent the day of the test you will be allowed to make up the test the following school day, provided it was an excused absence. Note: No retesting on quizzes
3. Laboratory Activities: Forensics is a very lab-oriented science, therefore requires that the student be able to produce meaningful lab results. Most, but not all, lab investigations will be completed according to lab handouts. Students are expected to make sure everyone in their group understands the material covered in the lab, and the lab results.
a. Read and study laboratory activities to familiarize yourself with the purpose and procedures of the exercise. You must follow ALL safety rules. ANY safety violation will keep you from continuing with the lab, and you will be given an alternate assignment (parent/guardian will be notified of the incident).
b. Before the end of class, materials and equipment must be cleaned and returned to their proper place.
c. Lab reports will be due on specified days. Do not procrastinate. Lab reports are part of your major grades and must be completed and turned in on time.
d. Try never to miss a lab. If the lab is no longer set up, I usually require that students write a paper on the lab topic in order to make up grades for lab.
Three tardies equal one unexcused absence. Avoid truancy and get to class on time!
If you ever find this course difficulty and overwhelming, but I am here to HELP you. Whenever you find that you are not able to fully comprehend one of the concepts or simply having a question concerning what is being covered in class, feel free to ask for help. As previously stated, it is my duty to assist you. Therefore, I will be available after school and if necessary in the mornings before school begins. Email is another way I can be reached.
Academic Integrity:
Academic integrity is essential in this and every classroom. Cheating on exams or quizzes will result in a zero, and your parents/guardian will be notified of the incident. When writing reports, plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in a zero.
Teacher Area:
No student is allowed behind the teacher’s desk. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Substitute teachers:
A substitute should be treated with respect. I will make sure that the substitute has sufficient assignments for the duration of the class period. The substitute will be informed on the assignments that need to be turned in, and will be asked to leave notes to inform me of your behavior.
BYOD will follow school and classroom policy. If not being used, devices should be kept in your backpacks, purses, etc.
Tentative Course Outline:
Semester 1
Semester II
Introduction and History of Forensic Science
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
Crime Scene Processing
DNA Analysis
Fingerprint Analysis
Drug Analysis
Hair and Fiber Analysis
Firearms Analysis
Document Analysis
Impression Analysis
Forensic Entomology*
Glass Fragment Analysis
Forensic Anthropology
1. Pens (any color, but at least 1 black or blue)
2. Composition Notebook
3. Highlighters (pack of 5)
4. Folder
Sharyland Pioneer High School Chemistry 2019
Textbook: Modern Chemistry, by Houghton Miffin Harcourt
Required Materials: 1. Lecture notebook or paper – Students should have a notebook or paper for lecture notes and homework assignments. 3. Pen or pencil. 4. Calculator. 5. Glue stick 6. Scissors 7. folder
Course Description: Chemistry is a laboratory science is usually taken in the 10th grade. During the year, students will learn about the nature of chemistry, the structure, interactions, and states of matter, stoichiometry, chemical equilibria, and acids and bases. Because Chemistry is a laboratory science, students will be participating in laboratory investigations on a regular basis. These investigations supplement the lectures and written work that make up the rest of the course.
Course Goals: Students will:
1. use scientific notation and appropriate significant digits when solving problems.
2. distinguish between chemical and physical properties of substances and classify the general types of substances.
3. discuss the history of the atomic theory
4. complete electron configuration, orbital notation, and electron dot structures for elements.
5. describe and analyze the properties of ionic and covalent bonds.
6. distinguish between the five general types of chemical reactions.
7. use stoichiometry to make conversions among moles, mass, and number of particles.
8. study chemical equilibria, especially when dealing with acids and bases.
Class Outline:
The following is a general outline of the Chemistry course and the topics that will be covered. The dates and material covered can be changed in the case the teacher deems it necessary for improved learning situations. The assigned text is the “Modern Chemistry”. Students will be responsible for reading all the text material presented during each unit.
Types of Assessment: Student learning will be assessed informally throughout the year through discussion and questioning. Formal assessments will include written homework, laboratory reports, quizzes, and tests.
Grading: The weight distribution of the following will be used to determine the overall final grades. Major assignments:80% Minor assignments: 20%
The semester exams will be worth 20% of your six weeks grade.
● All work handed in must be neat with clear legible handwriting if it is not legible, it will not be graded.
● The student must also put their name, date and period on all work handed in.
● Any work requiring problem solving must show all the work or no credit will be given.
Required Composition Notebook: All notes, lab reports, and some minor assignments will recorded in a composition notebook. This will be turned in at the middle and end of each unit for inspection and grading. Must include a completed and signed Homework Evaluation Sheet by parents.
Late work and Make-up work:
Students with and EXCUSED ABSENCE from school will have the opportunity to make up missed work at the rate of one day for one day missed, with a maximum of five days. Students will receive a zero for any major or minor assignments not made up within the alloted time. Students with an UNEXCUSED ABSENCE may not make up missed work; however, if the unexcused absence is determined to be caused by an extenuating circumstance, makeup work may be allowed. The grade for the makeup work will be no higher than a 70.
Re-Testing Students will be given the opportunity to re-test on a major grade in the event that they are absent and or have a failing test grade. Absent students will be allowed three days to inform me when they can come in to re-test. According to district policy, making up an exam because of an excused absence will be allowed the full grade to be awarded. In the event that a student fails an exam, they will have three days to come in for tutoring and set up an appointment to re-test. According to district policy, making up an exam because of a failing grade will automatically lose 30pts. So the highest possible grade cannot be over a 70.
Classroom Principles: Respect – I believe that respect is the most important classroom principle. I expect all of my students to treat teachers, staff, other students, themselves, and property with respect. Responsibility – I expect my students to demonstrate a well-developed sense of responsibility. As seniors in high school, students should be capable of demonstrating responsibility in their actions and words. Honesty – I expect all classroom communication to be honest and open. Students should promote honesty through actions and words that display integrity.
General Rules
● Students will not use any offensive or derogatory language in the classroom.
● Students will treat school property, teacher property, and other students’ property with respect.
● Students will not cause disruptions in the classroom.
o No horseplay. o Do not talk when someone in the front of the room is talking. o Do not throw objects. o Do not play with gas valves and faucets. o Be seated and ready to work when class begins.
● No cheating (see student handbook)
● Students will come to class prepared to learn.
● Food is not permitted in class.
Finally, feedback from the community (parents or guardians of our students) is always an essential component for successful schools. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you feel there is a problem starting to develop. If you need to talk face to face, I am available during 5th period or before school. You can e-mail me at [email protected] for an even quicker response. It is always better if we work together.
By signing below, it is understood that the parent and student has read the course syllabus and that the student will adhere to the rules set forth by the teacher.
Student’s signature _______________________ ID#:__________________________
Student’s printed name_______________________________
To be completed by the parent:
Parent’s name (printed)________________________
Parent’s signature____________________________
Cell phone _________________________________
Work phone ________________________________
Email _____________________________________