Pioneer High School
10001 N. Shary Rd., Mission, TX 78572
Mission Statement
Our mission statement at SPHS is to provide our students the opportunity to gain academic and social skills to provide a foundation to prepare them to be productive citizens. We believe that academic and social behavior prevents them from future negative encounters.
Our mission is to involve our parents, community, and our faculty & staff to improve the quality of
performance of our students. As a team, our students will be successful.
Ms. Jennifer Kaltenbach Room: 214 (1st block) and 218 (2nd block)
What will we be learning?
In Chemistry, we will use laboratory activities and problem solving to discover different types of chemical reactions and the mole concept. We will explore the properties, molecular structure and naming of a wide variety of chemical compounds, and investigate trends in the periodic table using atomic structure to explain behavior of matter. We will also use mathematical operations to convert between the number of moles, number of molecules, mass, volume, and concentration of various chemical compounds.
Course Organization:
Math and Measurement
Molecular Structure
Atomic Structure
Chemical Calculations
Periodicity Unit
Chemical Equations
Chemical Nomenclature
Gas Laws
Matter Classification
Acid/Base Equilibrium
What are the Expectations?
You are expected to take an active role in this class. This means thinking, asking questions, contributing to class discussions, making connections, planning for improvement, and taking ownership over your own learning.
Each student is expected to:
1) Be on time. Teacher will take attendance the first 5 minutes of class
2) Be respectful of others who are speaking or asking questions
3) Be prepared. Have your computer charged.
4) Be an active participant. Be focused and be attentive.
5) Raise your hand to speak
6) Be respectful, kind and considerate to the teacher and your classmates. 
What materials are needed for each class?
1. composition books or spiral notebooks
2. Folder
3. Always have a pencil or pen and a highlighter available
Absences: YOU are responsible for getting notes, videos, due dates and catching up with the material missed.
Deadlines: It is expected that you are ready to hand in your completed assignments by the due date at the beginning of class. In extenuating circumstances, any extension of the deadline must be discussed with the teacher well in advance of the due date.
Extra help?
I will be available for help Tuesday and Thursday 730 am-8 am. Contact me through remind or google classroom when you need help. It is very important to get your messages from google classroom. Students can review concepts learned in class or at gpb.org/chemistry video
Grading Policy
Tests & Major labs…… 60% Quizzes Daily work & Homework……40% A grading “curve” is not used in this course. The semester exam will count 20% of the semester average.
❖ Late Major Assignment: All students will be given 3 additional days to make up a late major assignment and may be required additional tutoring, assignments, etc.
❖ Failing Major Assignment: All students will be given up to 3 additional school days to redo a major failing assignment, but the grade will be no higher than a 70. The teacher has the option of assigning an alternative major assignment and may require additional tutoring, assignments, etc.
Anything Else?
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to talk to me or contact me on the PHS website, remind or google classroom.
Communication between the teacher, student, and parents is extremely important in order for us to achieve a successful school year.