
Syllabus- Physics/ Physics Honors 


Instructor: Mrs. Stephanie Wagner , Room: 228 

Conference:  1st  Block Tutoring: please let me know ahead of time what days you would like to come to tutoring 


This course is an algebra-based physics course and will include the topics of kinematics, force and motion, energy, momentum, heat, thermodynamics, light, sound, electricity, magnetism, electromagnetism, and modern physics concepts.

Course Pre-requisite: Algebra I


  1. All rules set forth by school handbook will be enforced.
  2. Respect and be courteous to everyone in the classroom.
  3. Follow all classroom and lab instructions given by your teacher exactly.
  1. Be in your seat by the time the tardy bell rings and wait for the teacher to dismiss you from class.
  2. No Food, Gum, or Drinks.
  3. No electronics of any sort are to be used upon entering and exiting the class. Teacher will instruct students when to use electronics.
  4. ALWAYS bring something to write with, ALWAYS!!!


1 Composition Book ,,  pen/ pencil ,  highlighter , colored pencils    Composition Book


  1. Enter the class calmly and politely, throw away any food you may be snacking on or gum in the trash as you walk through the door.  
  2. Pick up your own personal composition book and any assignments; be courteous to others as you reach for materials.
  3. Walk quietly to your assigned seating.
  4.  Read the front board and get started with the instructions that are written.
  5. As class is comes to an end, wait for the teacher to instruct you to return all materials to their appropriate place.
  1. Return back to your seat and wait patiently for the instructor to dismiss you from class. 

 GRADING: As per district policy

Daily assignments, homework, quizzes, composition book check, and labs: 40% of student’s grade

Tests, projects, and research papers: 60% of student’s grade

*If absent: STUDENT IS RESPONSIBLE for contacting instructor (in a timely manner) and getting caught up with missed assignments, according to school policy.  

*EXCUSED ABSENCE: opportunity to make up missed work at the rate of one day for one day missed, w/ a max of 5 days. Student will receive a zero for any major or minor assignment not made up within the allotted time.

** UNEXCUSED ABSENCE: may NOT make up any missed assignments (major or minor)